i've written my praises for coconut oil once before and i'm about to do it again. as a hair treatment, the oil is still working wonders. i try to keep most products out of my hair, only using a morroccan oil out of the shower and a smoothing product while my hair is still wet. the coconut oil goes on only when my hair is fairly dirty and ready for a washing the next day. leaving it in overnight is great and after it washes out, my hair feels smooth and shiny!!
lately i've also been experimenting with coconut oil as an overnight moisturizer on my face. its worked wonderfully. i have been washing my face less (only at night with a cream-based sensitive cleanser) and moisturizing more. seems as though the older i get, the more moisture my skin needs. it helps clear up breakouts and keeps my skin relaxed and fresh. in the morning i don't even need to cleanse, which keeps my skin even clearer of products. natural is always better!!!
YAY such a big fan of oils as face and hair products! I use a combo of castor oil/jojoba/argan to clean my face and I love it! No need to moisturize and not harsh cleaning chemicals!! I also make my own eye makeup remover with water, a little baby shampoo and coconut oil, it's the best!